As part of the ASCEND project DKSR contributes to research in the field of clean energy districts. The five year project aims to establish two Positive Clean Energy Districts in the lighthouse cities of Munich and Lyon as well as to bootstrap implementation in multiplier cities.
Within the project, DKSR Open Urban Data Platform is utilized as technological infrastructure to monitor the projects Key-Performance-Indicators in a standardized way. Additionally we are developing a technical reference model for building a local energy community.
DKSR will define the digital pillars of PCEDS, and provide a model for cities who want to implement their own districts based on open standards, interoperability and data sovereignty. We will also implement a reference model for an energy community, and work on machine learning modules for energy efficiency.
Overall project goal:
Role of DKSR:
Setting up monitoring technical infrastructure to monitore performance and project Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) by setting up a KPI engine on our Open Urban Data Platform which collects and standardizes the data from the participating citites and their platforms.
Developing a reference model for building local energy communities. This serves as a blueprint for Positive Energy Districs, explaining what is needed form a technological point of view as well as with regards to the data architecture.
Developing a web based tool to help cities decide which approach to Clean Energy Districts will work best for them.
Bernhard KLASSEN
We look forward to European cooperation in this diverse consortium. It is precisely the common challenges of the European city of tomorrow that the ASCEND project will be working on over the next five years.
In order to create globally sustainable structures, the member states of the United Nations have set themselves 17 goals by 2030, which are set out in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
You need support in adapting the application for your city? You would like to know what you have to pay attention to during the implementation? You would like to adopt the application but are not yet a community member? Contact the experts who are responsible for the implementation. We will be happy to assist you!