The data are charging station data from the company Innogy. A charging station always consists of two charging points. Via two APIs, charging status and charged energy amount per session are provided, among other things. The data is available in near real time. If required, historical queries are also possible.
Based on the data, e-charging stations can be monitored and the usage behavior of people charging can be analyzed. These findings help cities and municipalities to use existing charging points more efficiently, e.g. by redirecting e-mobilists to free or underutilized charging stations. The data also offers the possibility of automatically monitoring compliance with parking regulations by detecting violations such as charging for too long and forwarding them to the responsible authorities if necessary.
An Innogy charging station in Mainz.
There are monthly costs for the use of Innogy's APIs. Exact costs must be requested from the manufacturer
The prerequisite is the presence of Innogy charging stations
The data is only available where Innogy charging stations are located.
Via sensors in the charging columns.
No personal data is processed.