For intelligent mobile irrigation, trips by irrigation vehicles are optimized based on diverse data sources. For example, weather data can be used for this as well as data from purpose-built sensors that are attached to tree roots. The data provide a comprehensive picture of the irrigation required. With the help of a radio network and an IoT platform, messages about the condition of urban trees are delivered so that irrigation trips can be planned with pinpoint accuracy. In this way, water and other resources can be conserved. Drought damage and its opposite, the overwatering of plants, can thus be efficiently prevented.
Sustainability Check: How does Intelligent Mobile Irrigation help?
Trees are optimally watered according to their requirements
Water is used efficiently and sparingly
CO2 emissions and the consumption of operating materials are reduced by optimized travels
The investment costs are lower than for complex irrigation systems
Personnel planning is simplified using more efficient routes
REQUIREMENTS: What is required for an intelligent mobile irrigation system?
Irrigation vehicles.
Various data sources, including tree registers, weather forecasts, sensor data - the more, the more accurate the information.
For individual tree irrigation: sensors in the root zone / on the trees.
Wireless network to transmit the data to a platform.
IoT platform to merge and analyze the data.
Perspective: mobile devices for staff to add data on the watering processes manually as well.
Our Rating:
Smart mobile irrigation is a good complement to an existing mobile irrigation system in the city. Through data that is often already available in the city and can be quickly integrated into a data platform, irrigation processes can be optimized. Employees can also be relieved and deployed efficiently. Sensors and a radio network serve as the basis for more precise analyses.
Which SDGS are addressed?
In order to create globally sustainable structures, the member states of the United Nations have set themselves 17 goals by 2030, which are set out in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Associated challenge(s)
(The) Challenge(s) that can be overcome with the help of this solution.
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