The OPEN Weather API provides access to various weather data, including information on solar radiation, cloud cover or precipitation. You can view current weather data as well as forecasts. You also have access to historical weather data. Weather and climate data (commulated, long-term collected weather data) are the basis for various smart city solutions and can be used, for example, in disaster control or climate protection management.
Information about the weather plays a role in many solutions and analyses. These include forecasts of future weather and the provision of processed weather data via weather portals. City planners can use hyperlocal weather data to make data-based decisions, run different scenarios, and take action. In addition, the data can be used to engage and educate residents, for example in crowdsourcing projects such as providing a LoRaWan weather network powered by citizen sensors.
The Open API is limited to a maximum of 1,000 calls per day. After that, it is subject to a fee.
Weather data is collected and processed from a variety of sources including global and local weather models, satellites, radars, and an extensive network of weather stations.
No personal data is processed.