The Kommunale DatenWerk (KDW) is a virtual space for the exchange of data between different actors in a municipality. The goal of the joint project of DKSR, Mainzer Stadtwerke AG, Fraunhofer FOKUS and Parken in Mainz GmbH is to develop a uniform technological infrastructure based on open source standards for the transfer and management of municipal data sets for the city of Mainz - and, in the future, for other cities as well. The platform will enable holistic applications based on municipal data involving various parties and sectors with defined user and role management. In this way, access to the imported data is regulated. KDW also creates a standardized legal framework for data exchange. In order to ensure future regular use by actors with different levels of experience, the focus is on simple handling and user-friendliness of the platform.
In Mainz, the platform will be used primarily for smart traffic management.
The overall project goal is the development of a platform for intra- and inter-municipal data exchange, with a focus on the development of a role and rights concept for the secure sharing of data. The individual project components (especially the developed software architecture and the legal framework) should be generically derivable for further data room projects with similar goals. Particular challenges of the project are the peculiarities of the data sets to be included as well as the conceptual and logical development of a uniform data platform based on open source standards. In the course of the project, central project learning will also be added at this location.
Daniel Stölzle
For us as a municipal company, it is very important, as with all our traditional services, to achieve the greatest possible security in dealing with data, to offer it and to implement it at the municipal level. This creates trust - for us, our partners and our customers.
In order to create globally sustainable structures, the member states of the United Nations have set themselves 17 goals by 2030, which are set out in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
You need support in adapting the application for your city? You would like to know what you have to pay attention to during the implementation? You would like to adopt the application but are not yet a community member? Contact the experts who are responsible for the implementation. We will be happy to assist you!